Monday, October 29, 2007


Having finished reading the articles and checked out the Wiki sites I am more informed about Wiki software e.g Zoho Wiki and PBWiki and their applications. I can see real benefits in using Wikis - collaborative, quick, easy to use and requires no technical knowledge in creating your own Wiki. I found it very interesting in the applications of Wikis - conferences, online catalogue, reference desk manual, subject guides, community Wikis. book lovers club.etc etc. I thought the SLVTraining Wiki created by Mark Showalter is a very useful document for answering reference enquires esp. on the SLV chat service. I have started creating a Wiki subject guide in my area of work. While there would be lots of advantages in using Wikis, there would probably be some disadvantages with the main one being the reliability and accuracy of the information.

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

I also agree; there are a great deal of uses for wikis.
Keep up th egood work
