Saturday, November 21, 2009

#14 Discovering more 2.0 Web tools
I had a look at the list of Web 2.0 award winners. Boy, they were good. I was particularly interested in the ones on food and travel (Farecast). I liked the winner for food - Imcooked. I hadn't realised before that you can now see the videos of how they go about creating their dishes, there is evan a video recipe sharing blog, and you can print off the recipes!! The second food one I liked was the blog, Urbanspoon. This is a worldwide blog, lots of information and reviews. I can even look in my own suburb to find all of my local restaurants with food reviews and maps on how to get there. I will be checking this blog out in future.

1 comment:

AID Learning 2.0 Program said...

The food blogs are my some of my favourites as well and there is evidence of these influencing social culture of food ie Slow Food movement